Worldwide supplier of permanent magnets and magnetic assemblies
YX Magnetic is a Swiss company specialized in the design, production and marketing of permanent magnets. The head office is located in Sierre, a small town in the heart of the Alps.
You are unique to us. And your needs too. Also, we do not produce only standard magnets, but we produce our products according to your requirements, even in small series.
We have our own plant in China, which employs several hundred highly skilled people. It is certified ISO/TS 16949:2002. This allows us to provide you with magnets from a factory we manage and, in this way, to avoid you having to go through expensive and not very transparent intermediaries.
The Chinese authorities, after multiple controls, granted us an export licence. We are currently one of the only companies in the sector to have such an authorization. This is a demonstration of the relationship of trust and mutual respect that has been built over the past 30 years.
Test us and you will see that competences and high quality go hand in hand with attractive prices.
Our mission is to serve you
Be surprised!
Francis Pont